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Cryptocurrency Companies in Chapter 11: Lessons Learned

12 Mar , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

The recent wave of cryptocurrency bankruptcy cases has led to several issues of first impression being resolved in the bankruptcy courts. In particular, these include complex questions regarding property of the estate, claim valuation, communications with creditors, and the intersection between criminal law and bankruptcy. While certain lessons may be learned from the Chapter 11 cases of banks and financial institutions, others are unique to the crypto sphere. This webinar will introduce attendees to these issues through the lens of several recent bankruptcy cases. 

Learning Objectives:

Identify the unique issues arising from the failure of cryptocurrency companies.

Explore how the Chapter 11 process is, and is not, well-suited to deal with these issues.

Analyze and compare the Chapter 11 cases of conventional financial institutions with cryptocurrency bankruptcies.

Analyze the concept of “property of the estate” and how criminal forfeiture law intersects with bankruptcy jurisdiction.


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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