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Vaccine Waiver for Immigration

22 Jul , 2024

To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

As part of the application process for U.S. residency, a medical examination is required, part of which includes receiving certain vaccinations. Many applicants for residency have religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving vaccines. There is a process available for these applicants to apply for a waiver of the vaccination requirement if they can demonstrate that they have sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions that cause them to object to all vaccines and that their objections are based on their beliefs/convictions.

In light of the increasing number of applicants for residency who are seeking a waiver of the vaccination requirement, Ms. Xenides will discuss:

The vaccination requirements and medical exam requirements and process generally

The key components of a religious/moral waiver of the vaccine requirements

Blanket Medical Waivers for vaccines and the requirements and process for requesting them 

How to draft a successful statement of beliefs, including information that must be included as well as information that should not be included

How prior vaccination affects the application and how to address it in the statement

Examples of some types of common objections to vaccines and how to handle them

Vaccine waivers for minors

Procedural and processing insight

Options if the waiver application is denied

Learning Objectives:

? Understand the procedural mechanisms and timeline for applying for a religious/moral waiver of the vaccination requirements for U.S. residency

? Gain important knowledge on how to draft a successful statement of beliefs that meets the burden of proof 

? Identify other potential options for your client including blanket medical waivers, filing an appeal of a denied waiver, and re-filing a new waiver application


To register for the upcoming live webinar, please Click Here

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