Celesq® Programs

Critical Thinking Approach to Ethics for Lawyers

Program Number
Program Date
CLE Credits

This one-hour ethics course covers such topics current trends in legal ethics, common failures regarding Ethics Codes and disciplinary systems for lawyers, key steps you and your firm can do to improve ethics and generate ethics related legal business, gender, race and other forms of bias, resigning or firing a client, whistleblower ethics and discusses the following ABA Model Rules of Ethics: 

  • ABA rule 1.1 – Competence – Technology, Substantive Law, Negotiation
  • ABA Rule 1.6 – Client Confidences (and relationship to filing a bar complaint)
  • ABA Rule 1.7 – Conflict of Interest
  • ABA Rules 3.1, 3.3 and 4.4 – Presenting false testimony
  • ABA Rule 5.4 – Prohibited Non-Lawyer Ownership of a Law Firm
  • ABA Rule 8.3 – Duty to Report Another Lawyer

Available in States

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Texas Self Study

Program Categories

  • Administrative Law & Regulations
  • Business Organizations & Contracts
  • Employee Benefits & Compensation
  • Employment & Labor Law
  • Ethics & Professionalism
  • Federal Courts
  • Personal Injury


  • Legal Ethics : 1 Credit